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Heraklitiana na solo i taśmę (dla 12 alternatywnych wykonawców z towarzyszeniem taśmy) (I: fl.; II: saks. alt.; III: perk.; IV: wibr.; V: fort.; VI: fort. preparowany; VII: hf.; VIII: wioloncz.; IX sopr.; X: aktor; XI: malarz; XII: kompozytor)

Year of creation: 1970

Category: Audiovisual ideas and action music (XVII)


Duration time: 20' 54"

Edition: Wersja na harfę: Edition Modern/Ricordi Berlin MOD 1793 (źródło:

Catalogue number: XVII.2 / Author numbering: 135

World premiere: III: Fullerton (Kalifornia), 1 VIII 1974, perk. M. Ptaszyńska ; VI: Kraków, 18 IX 1970, fort. M. Mietelski ; VII: Warszawa, 19 IX 1971 ; XI: Warszawa, 24 IV 1983 ; XII: Bruksela, 17 XI 1983, B. Schaeffer

Bogusław Schaeffer’s score



Production: Polskie Radio, Studio Eksperymentalne Nagr. Warszawa, Studio PR

Date: 1970-03-07


Realization: Mazurek Urszula (harfa - instrumentalista)
Mazurek Bohdan (inny wykonawca - realizacja tasmy)

Production: Polskie Radio, Studio Eksperymentalne Nagr. Warszawa, Studio PR

Date: 1970-03-07

Description: Mazurek Bohdan (Realizator)

Realization: Mazurek Urszula (harfa - instrumentalista)
Mazurek Bohdan (inny wykonawca Studio Eksperymentalne Polskiego Radia
realizacja tasmy)

Production: Polskie Radio Nagr. Warszawa, Studio M-1

Date: 1973-06-18

Description: Mazurek Bohdan (Realizator)

The records in this database reflect the items from the list prepared by Dr. Jadwiga Hodor and published in the album 'Graphics - Bogusław Schaeffer'. Sixty years of compositional activity (State Publishing Institute PIW, AUREA PORTA Foundation of the Friends of the Arts). Jadwiga Hodor worked on the above-mentioned census from 1970, in collaboration with the composer. The updated version will be part of a monograph devoted to Schaeffer (in the publishing process).

Schaeffer Non Stop

Schaeffer Non Stop is a unique mobile application based on one of the most famous graphic scores by Bogusław Schaeffer.

Take a look at the Schaeffer Non Stop app
Bogusław Schaeffer’s photo

Music conveys no content whatsoever besides itself. So music tells about music. And not about the composer's experiences - God forbid - we shouldn't pry into.

Aurea Porta - Friends of Art Foundation

The Friends of the Arts AUREA PORTA Foundation was founded in 2001 by Marek Frąckowiak (a schaefferian actor). Krystyna Gierłowska, its creative director, and Ewa Złotowska, its president, with a little help from friends-of-the-Friends-of-the-Arts, continue the work he started, among other things by taking care of Bogusław Schaeffer’s legacy (archive). They host their beloved stakeholders in Marszałkowska street socrealistic district’s premises with a sgraffito terrace.

ZAiKS - Partner

Instytut Teatralny